The definition of love

From the first steps I ever took
To the ones i spend waving goodby to you
as I walk to class 
You've always been there
Allways been by my side
When I fall 
You pick me up 
When my knees are scraped
And my ears are red from holding back my tears
You bandage my wounds
And kiss my face all over until I'm pushing to get away 
When I'm falling apart on my bedroom floor
The jigsaw of my life not wanting to fit together
You come 
And show me how to place the peices
When things are hard 
I look to you for help
When I'm down on my knees 
Hurt and alone
I look to you for love
When I'm happy and grinning my face off
I look to you, to share my joy with 
When I just need somebody to see me 
I look to you 
And your there 
You wrap me up in your arms
And let me wipe my nose on your apron like I'm five again 
I love you 




18 years old

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