Delight and Pain

Friends are delight.

Someone to confide in and feel safe with.

They will listen to all your worries

And love you though you are not perfect.

They will always help you see the light

And never back down from a challenge.

Friends give the best kind of love,

They know when you need them, 

And they unconditionally care.

Forever an unwavering part of your life.

But friends are pain.

When they ignore you,

And they pretend to not see what’s right in front of them.

They care too little,

Making weeks feel longer,

Days drag on,

While you wait for their approval.

You want them to be a part of your life.

They are your whole world,

But you are only a part of theirs.

Friends are pain,

Perpetually what you don’t want them to be,

But you are with them anyway.

Friends are delight and they are pain,

There is no in between

Or picking sides.

Life is a continuous unknown process

Where friends are a gray mix of delight and pain.



20 years old

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