Detective Lives

Blood was splattered violently along the walls of a long, dark, cold, ally way. In the back left corner of it was two trash bins over flowing with garbage; untouched by any man for weeks. A corpse gently lay in a pool of thick warm blood, the body still barely warm.

The next morning detective Charmaine Lowell arrived at the crime scene. Lowell was a middle aged female detective with medium length brunette hair, blue grey eyes, and a slim body figure. She may not have had to most experience in her work field as a homicide investigator, but she was definitely one of the best. As she walked under the police tape to access the crime scene, the forensic pathologist on site walked up to her and started to relate what information she new.

“The victim is a female teenager around the age of 16 to 17. estimated time of death is around one o’clock this morning. Victim has laceration on her neck and torso, and stab wounds to her chest and back. There are no signs of rape or robbery. There is still no ID.”

“Thank you Carol,” said the detective. “Has the murder weapon been located yet?”.

“Not yet.”

The detective then began to look around the crime scene, taking note of every little detail. She noticed that there was plenty of blood around the body, but there were on bloody foot prints. She also noticed that the victim’s backpack was left on the side open, but nothing of great value had been stolen. Inside the backpack still lay the victim’s computer, twenty dollars and fifty-seven cents in change, and a school textbook.


Posted in response to the challenge Detective.

Kelda Tsan Mohl


17 years old

More by Kelda Tsan Mohl

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