
The distance you put between us is beyond seen,

can't believe the length I've went just to get you to want me.


Now all you do is haunt my dreams,

making my thoughts slowly bleed,

into a perception that only tries to deceive,

attempting to convince me you will become a person that you will never be.



16 years old

More by C-L-S

  • Crave

    I crave physical touch,

    I need to feel skin to skin,

    I need to be felt,

    I crave something I hate.


    I've never liked hugs or the feeling of someone touching me,

  • Dear reader

    I am saying good bye to you,

    my dear reader,

    Because I know after I look back over my shoulder you will be gone,

    onto the next page,

    maybe even the next book,

  • One more year

    One more year until you're gone,

    One more year before I probably won't see you again,

    One more year of our many years of friendship being thrown away,

    One more year until I break.