The dog at the end of my street

There's a dog that sits at the end of my street, 
He snarls his teeth when we walk, 
He barks with his eyes wide open,
With his eyes full of rage and love. 

There's a dog that sits at the end of my street, 
He's tied to a chain that leaves marks on his neck, 
I think this dog knows me, 
He knows the same rage and love in my eyes. 

There's a dog that sits at the end of my street, 
His eyes turn red while his mouth foams, 
And his heart just begs for forgiveness. 

There's a dog that sits at the end of my street,
He's not too different from me, 
He knows my pain and my sorrow, 
Yet my laughter and joy, 

He loves the cool summer nights, 
And the cold and warm of the fall, 
He wants to be heard but his voice isn't there.

There's a dog that sits at the end of my street, 
And sometimes I sit with him. 
He knows the story of my life, 
The rage and love of my soul, 
He gets the ups and the downs, 
And deep inside I know he understands my life 
Better than anyone else could.



14 years old

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    And I just saw Bruce Springsteen
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    I've loved him and his music since I was 6. 
    I've listened to him religiously since I was 7. 

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