The Dragons Heart

                   The Dragon's Heart 
   Once in A very futuristic time,(3068) there was an amazing city with bright lights and hovering cars and one very, VERY corrupt government.  Only one kid thought about it that way.  Versa doehemes was one very particular girl, who had startlingly bright blue hair with a dark blue bandana. She wore her mother´s grandmother´s black t-shirt with the logo NASA which was apparently some old company that made rockets. Her pants were jet black with three white stripes which she thought were stylish. She wore red high tops with a star that she painted on the side of one shoe and flames on the other. She lived by herself (except for her hamster, Toto) in a small apartment in the outskirts of the city, Dhemos. Versa was hoverboarding through the city of Dhemos. She was just getting to midtown when she saw a shadow slink behind a building. Versa instantly chased after the person. When she rounded the corner, she immediately recognized who it was. It was her best friend Amy! “I knew it was you” she declared! “Hi,” said Amy  Tonight Versa planned on spying on the government officials at their meeting in the government house. So she ran to the city and put on a navy-colored hoodie to blend into the busy city. When she got there she crept behind the large building and found the small crack that she had investigated before.  It took her to a small vent just above where the government officials meet. She crept in and crawled for about what she thought was 50 ft when she finally got to be right where she wanted to be, at a vent where she could see the whole room right above the government official, Titan Berker. He was very tall and had a potbelly. He wore many badges on his vest. Once all of them got there they started talking.  ¨Well, the first item of business is that horrid dragon we have in the basement. What do we do with that wretched thing? ¨I say we use it to get more money from our scared dumb citizens¨ sneered another man. Versa thought,¨ oh no! They're gonna make the dragon attack us against its will!”

-To be continued...



16 years old

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