Earnest's Apprentice Chapter 3

Lily gazed out the window of carriage. She had rarely been outside the Manor, so everything seemed new, even the flowers on the side of the road. Earnest was very boring. He had barely talked to her the whole carriage ride. She decided to attempt conversation.

"So, Earnest," she said. "What's it like being a warden?"

"Busy," he replied.

She tried again. "I bet it's really cool, all those missions and stuff."

"Not really."

Gosh, this was hopeless. Earnest was hopeless. Lily gave up and went back to watching the world pass by the carriage window.


Finally, they arrived at the palace. That was where Lily would be staying until Earnest's place was ready for her. The Grand Duke, Archibald, met them at the gate.

"Hello, Warden Earnest. Miss Lily," He said by way of greeting.

"Good day, Archibald," Earnest said in reply, trying to squeeze past the man.

"Hello, Grand Duke Archibald," Lily said, respectfully.

"Hmmm," the Duke replied.



13 years old

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