Earnest’s Apprentice: Chapter One

Lily stared at the other wards at the table. It was strange to think that she would never see them again. Well, she would, but it wouldn’t be the same.

“Thinking about what you’ll be chosen as, Flower?” Alvin asked. Easy for him to say. He was obviously going to be a Knight’s Apprentice. She was unsure of what she would be chosen for.

“Not at all,” she replied cheerfully. “It should be interesting to see how Sir Chance will react to your lack of appetite.”

“Why you little scamp!” he cried.

She giggled. “Only when you’re annoying me,” she said sweetly.

He growled. That was a bad sign. It meant that he was prepared to fight. Lily stood up and ducked out the door right before Alvin’s fist hit the spot where her hand had been a second before. She nearly groaned. She had thought he’d be able to stop in time but he hadn’t. And now he was coming for her.



13 years old

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