
i met you last year
though it feels like we've known each other for years
i was the tiny girl in the walker
and during rehearsal that day
i walked up to you and introduced myself
the rest is history

we exchanged numbers
started hanging out in person
belted musical theater songs as loud as we could
baked cookies
made music
you and i just fit together
bkack and red
ketchup and mustard
peanut butter and chocolate

i watched you graduate high school
and go to college
and pretended not to be too happy
when you decided to go to UVM
because that was close to me
and i didn't have to miss you too much
you are my best friend
my sister
my role model
you are everything i want to be, emily
my heart is full of love for you



19 years old

More by hannah.banana23

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    red is not passive but loud and demanding to be shown to the world
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  • at the balls

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