
Hearts erode like narrow mountain passes
Both leave the hollow whispers of wind in their wake
While grit and water and air may break down rock
It is much easier to erode a heart because hearts
Like canned cranberry jelly and lizard tails and pistachio macarons
Are delicate things
Hearts wear from the inside out when they swallow amber and ashes and dust
Some hearts are punched out like tickets towards bakers dozens of bagels
Leaving holes to pass bandages and sewing needles through
Holes to store tears and old coins and stale secrets in
Others smooth
Low and mournful
Atlas taking a final curtsy before his knees kiss the ground
Exhausted hearts flake like a pie crust left out in the sun
Holding together for a while while the sand stings and the water waves and the wind whips
Finally breathing
Stripping, peeling from the bone as it lets go once more
Hearts erode in desolate salt tide pools and hearts erode in broken grand pianos
Hearts cannot be hidden from erosion as mountains cannot be hidden from clouds and knuckles cannot rest under fingers
And even the most damp, creaky, broken heart can be polished
And erode



19 years old

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