Again, again and again
A light shines in my face
My eyes burn and I’m forced to squint
Something touches my shoulder
I shiver and start to run
Run, run and run
It touches my shoulder again
The same shiver
But I can’t move
I can’t scream
I wake
Again, again and again
A light shines in my face
My eyes burn and I’m forced to squint
Something touches my shoulder
I shiver and start to run
Run, run and run
It touches my shoulder again
The same shiver
But I can’t move
I can’t scream
I wake
A light shines in my face
My eyes burn and I’m forced to squint
Something touches my shoulder
I shiver and start to run
Run, run and run
It touches my shoulder again
The same shiver
But I can’t move
I can’t scream
I wake
Again, again and again
A light shines in my face
My eyes burn and I’m forced to squint
Something touches my shoulder
I shiver and start to run
Run, run and run
It touches my shoulder again
The same shiver
But I can’t move
I can’t scream
I wake
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