Falling Clouds

The sky is falling

Like a drop tower

Plummeting towards the ground.

The sky is falling

The ground is giving way

The earth has stopped spinning

The sun has stopped shining.

The sky is falling

And the universe is crumbling

And the world is shattering.

The sky is falling

The clouds are dissolving

The wind is shaking

The stars are piercing the inky black night.

The sky is falling

And everything is broken

In this world

Of nightmare

Of reality

Of descending skies

And lightning


An endless void

Of falling clouds.

Posted in response to the challenge Sky.



13 years old

More by QueenBee

  • Teenhood

    There should be a word

    For ages thirteen through seventeen.

    There should be a word

    Like childhood or adulthood

    That describes

    Being a teenager.

    Adolescence is one, yes

    But it doesn't fit.

  • Schoolwork



    How exciting.

    I think my teachers are trying to kill me.

    They assign lots of assignments

    Worksheets, sometimes a quiz

    Normally I wouldn't mind

    But I'm not a math whiz.

  • Timeless

    I wanted to stay there forever

    Under that tree with you.

    I wanted to lie there

    Live beneath the sky's blue.

    I wanted to look at the constellations at night

    And name the clouds' shapes in the daytime.