Fearful Flight

it's here – prepared or not, the time has come. 
we are scared, frightened beyond belief 

here is the day when we must go, 
must take our undergrown wings and fly. 

in time, we will learn the ways of the air, 
but now, fear falters our flight. 

we have never taken to the sky before – 
always stayed in the comfort of our nests. 

but the world is pushing us forth, and so, prepared or not, at last we fly. 

Posted in response to the challenge Here.



14 years old

More by ominouspoet

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    now, I know it may seem common, even shallow- 
    to answer with such a simple thing. 

    but tis what draws my heart- 
    the Fox, silver fur, dancing in moonlight. 

  • autumn forest goddess

    as I sit here-
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    tell me, why does the earth end in such a pretty display

    I holler to the trees,
    they answer with a rustle

  • I, the minotaur

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