


14 years old


  • winter coming

    winter's coming on fast — 
    better chop enough wood. 

    pluck the last fruits of the harvest — 
    then say goodnight to the garden, 
    resting under a blanket of leaves and love. 

  • Goodbye Whisper

    In the vet's office.
    My bunny, sedated.
    They are coming soon with the second shot.

    She had a good life. I hope she finds peace.
    I'm going to miss her so much.
    I love you, Whisper. I'm sorry.

  • in the "olden times"

    Do you think people 100 years ago, in rural Vermont, looked up at the sky, at the milky way, the moon and all the stars? Do you think they marveled at them, and taught their children the constellations?

  • Le corbeau et la femme

    Je suis un corbeau avec un plumage noir. J’aime les bijoux. J’aime aller au parc. Je vois une femme avec un collier. Je veux le collier.

    Alors, je fondre sur elle et prendre le collier. Je suis un content corbeau!
