
Three years ago,
You said forever. 
And I repeated it, 
It left a sweet taste in my mouth. 
Like sugar poured onto a lemon, 
Covering up the sour bitterness. 

Three years ago, 
In the fall.
We left that forever,
You changed and we went our separate ways.
That left a bitter taste in my mouth, 
Yet I felt it in my heart. 

Three years ago, 
You repeated my name, 
As if it was the only thing 
To ever leave your mouth. 

And as the days grow shorter,
And the nights grow colder. 
I search for you in the silence of the night, 
Hoping to hear my name again, 
As I did all those years ago.


Posted in response to the challenge Autumn '24: Writing.



14 years old

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    And I just saw Bruce Springsteen
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    I've loved him and his music since I was 6. 
    I've listened to him religiously since I was 7. 

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