The Future is Ours

We waited and waited for this day to come;
for our future to change but that hasn't been done. 
We still sit in our homes, hiding from truth.
While outside our walls, gone is our youth.
The world is a scary,
dangerous place,
we force our open minds
to remember its grace.
We have a voice;
we must learn how to use it.
The future is ours;
we get to choose it.



17 years old

More by fitzgerg

  • Your Game

    I've been here before; I know your ways.
    You think you have me in a bind? I wouldn't say the same.
    It comes so easy, moving so fast.
    But you don't suspect, that I do have a past.
    I'll play your little game. It's always the same.
  • This Encyclopedia

    Alexa what time is it? 
    Hey Siri, what's the weather for today?
    A calculator; a dictionary; an encyclopedia,
    ready at your convenience.
    But nobody is reading dictionaries for fun. 
  • He had a Dream

    He had a dream
    But not one of soaring skies and indigo seas.
    A man who believed
    That we could all live happily in harmony.
    He is long gone
    But his dream lives on.
    Come sisters and brothers
    Together we will stand