The Girl Behind the Mask

Joy, laughter,


The smile on her face gives me a pleasant sensation 


The way her eyes can light up a room 


She makes everyone feel something they have never felt 


When I ask around about her I get the same response:


“She's happy”

“She's kind”

“She listens”

“She's helpful”

“She's perfect.”


She's perfect? 


How so, how is she so perfect?


How can one person be so happy and so thoughtful all the time?


Every second of every day


How can this be possible?


How can nobody notice 


I can see it 


I see it every day 


I see the pain


The guilt 


The regret 


The tears 


The scars 


The makeup 


I never see her stop 


She's never home 


She makes something of herself 


She works herself 


She makes her body do these incredible things 


She never stops.


She's miserable 


She is not this joyful happy person everyone claims her to be 


Yeah she's a great listener but she consumes herself 


Consumes herself in pain


Not just hers but everyone else's 


She can't take it 


I see her eyes slowly start to fade 




After day 


After day 


She's dying 


She can't take it 


She can't look at herself 


She's done


People are noticing 


Her mask is fading 


She's not so joyful 


She's not as happy 


She doesn't listen anymore 


She wore the mask so people didn't have to know 


That the unthinkable was true 


But it is.


Her mask is broken 


People know


Everybody knows 


And as the tears hit the floor 


She looks up at her reflection 


And staring back at her 


Is me.





16 years old

More by Natalie.perry

  • After

    I can’t think about before or now, but after, 

    after all the moaning and groaning, 

    after all the cleaning, weeding, and mowing, 

    after we cook, grill, and bake, 

  • Anything Can Happen

    I awake to the sound of Sirens 
    I jumped out of bed screaming to my mother what was the matter. 
    My little siblings crying
    Of all this chaos that my family is causing, 
    The sirens are squealing with noise
  • The Danger Zone

    darkness all around me 
    the only light is that seeping through the cracks of my spaceship 
    its cold, its quiet
    to quiet 
    I have questions 
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    How big are the stars?