Give it your all

Search for the feeling you found so long ago 

Slow down the days 

Slow down the minutes that turn into hours and years 

Take a chance to live in the moment 

Take a moment to breathe 

To find the feeling you once thought you had 


Take the time to live in the present 

To enjoy each gift life has to offer 

And each day that doesn’t go the way you plan


Smell the flowers that bloom in the spring

And the storms of the summer and fall

Feel the calm and contentment of the winter 

And be ready for spring again when it comes 


Remember the people who care 

And forget those who don’t 

Remember the times you shared 

And forget the moments you wish for more 


All the times imprinted in your brain 

Etched into your mind 

The moments when you were infinite and free

Chase that feeling for the rest of your life 

And when you finally catch it, never let it go. 

Live a life where you give all you can.

Because if you don’t, did you even live?



14 years old

More by meandpaul

  • Darkness

    Standing in the streets, 
    The darkness of the city lights 
    Washes over you. 

    The joy of the summer fades, 
    The sorrow of the fall is a current feeling. 

  • NYC

    The streets were bright and alive, much larger than in previous months. The air, was filled with so much heat you could practically see it.