Global Garment: The Story Of

The mother purchases the pull for a petulant teen

Leathered blue fingers clasping red

Wonders of the life the daughter lives, the one she did not

The teen will stop growing taller, yet continue to grow


The banker sees the sweater as a stranger

The shower, the stool, the bottle, they know everything

Her mother says her wardrobe chokes her peroxide purple

And now, none fit at all


The student finds the thrift on an in-store suave seat

Knitted on in classroom planes, all holes repaired

They reverberate the name that he wishes he was not

He hopes to one-day not dress so gay


The leader sees ragged threads over a chair

Voices wanting, when they came, lipstick coated, gold rolled

They choose to buy new, eyes open and online

It tells no story.

Posted in response to the challenge Sustainability.

Anna Tringale


17 years old

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