Global Garment: The Story Of
The mother purchases the pull for a petulant teen
Leathered blue fingers clasping red
Wonders of the life the daughter lives, the one she did not
What If She Said
And what if I asked her the question?
What if I asked the thing that plagued the mind
If I coughed out the sentence that would kill her
And it engulfed her with a pain sharp as a scalpel
And she laughed until stitches sewed her mouth -
Alicia Keys
At night it crusts my eyes
She breaths out tendrils that snake in and seek out
For.a year and a half it burned in the third degree
Her name means "inferno" and yet still
She riddles my heart with soot
My father scratches CDs and sandpapers vinyl
He leaves the burnt bits of water in the pan after a fresh boil
He cooks his alfredo with a bit too much garlic
And in the evenings he danced to Floyd -
My Hands
My hands are with the earth
there is dirt caked under each fingernail
like childhood mudpies
or a trailing pothos
My callouses peel as a moon phase
first, they are full
like the fractals of my first notes -
To Apply
I apply and pray
For incandescent spotlight
To reach my inbox
It took four long years
And now I am the keystone
Performance, granted
They say that I act
They're masked, filled with arrogance
Yet these are my words
A GIRL-ISH Retrograde
TWO GIRLS sit on the slanted rooftop of
a suburban house on the Amish hillside,
ignoring the jargoning mosquitos
buzzing around their heads and spectating the -
An Ineffable Sestina
Ultimately, she will be served
on her stained bed of silver,
placed on the table of a rich man
with an apple in her mouth
forced into a glazed dress
with her palms pointed to God.