Anna Tringale

Anna Tringale


17 years old


  • What If She Said

    And what if I asked her the question?
    What if I asked the thing that plagued the mind
    If I coughed out the sentence that would kill her
    And it engulfed her with a pain sharp as a scalpel
    And she laughed until stitches sewed her mouth
  • Alicia Keys

    At night it crusts my eyes
    She breaths out tendrils that snake in and seek out
    For.a year and a half it burned in the third degree
    Her name means "inferno" and yet still
    She riddles my heart with soot

  • Floyd

    My father scratches CDs and sandpapers vinyl
    He leaves the burnt bits of water in the pan after a fresh boil
    He cooks his alfredo with a bit too much garlic
    And in the evenings he danced to Floyd

  • My Hands

    My hands are with the earth
    there is dirt caked under each fingernail
    like childhood mudpies
    or a trailing pothos

    My callouses peel as a moon phase
    first, they are full
    like the fractals of my first notes
  • To Apply

    I apply and pray
    For incandescent spotlight
    To reach my inbox

    It took four long years
    And now I am the keystone
    Performance, granted

    They say that I act
    They're masked, filled with arrogance
    Yet these are my words
