TWO GIRLS sit on the slanted rooftop of
a suburban house on the Amish hillside,
ignoring the jargoning mosquitos
buzzing around their heads and spectating the
high moon crawl to the horizon in a
race with the peeping sun, drearily keeping
themselves awake with the scent of their gas
station cigarettes, talks of philosophy
and university, and anything
that aloofly dawdles in their minds. SCHOOL GIRLS
that have a year until graduation,
their becoming of women. GALLANT GIRLS
who understand separation lingers
in their clinging shadows; however, they have
retreated here to the twilight in the
bleak night sky prickled with foreign planets and
stars. BOHEMIAN GIRLS that found a warmth
in their chests, forming vast fields of sun-
flowers, and this found their new center of
gravity. YOUNG GIRLS that reckon the whole world
revolves around their lovely adorning
atmosphere and for only tonight, it does.
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