
it seems so far,


walking down in a black tight dress,

one by one,

suits and ties,

flowing dresses and shining tiaras.

we're called up one by one by our full names,

handed a certificate and a stern hand shake,

"good luck in the high-school!"

they'd say with glee.

and what about me?

what do we want to be?

i know for sure what i want to be,

i want to be me.

even with whatever job i get,

i'll stay me,

and in some distant place in the far future,

i'll see my old teacher,

maybe my old friend.

turning grey,

and i'll say hey with a bright smile,

remembering when i was 13,

turning in work late,

laughing with friends in silence,

and having fun.


for now,

i shake my head out of the thoughts of summer away from you,

and fall into a new school with new people.

i shake his hand and smile to my teachers who remember me for now,

and we sing and dance in the cafeteria where we had so many memories,

food fights and yelling across the table,


seems so far,

but yet so close.



13 years old

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