Green Paint and Seeds

I sit back and watch
the green paint dry
around my hands,
cracked and coated. 

I hold a handful of brown
in my palms,
a green sprout peeking out. 

I wait for the tree I planted
years ago
to burst up
and touch the stars. 

I grasp small seeds
in my fists,
leaving a trail behind me
until I throw my arms up
and open my hands
and twirl as the seeds
rain down on me. 

There are mountains before us,
hills that seem to roll over and turn
in their noiseless sleep. 
I wonder if trees were torn from their ground
like trees have been torn from mine.



17 years old

More by GreyBean

  • untitled #2

    i am learning to live without the idea of you

    and i am trying to fill up the empty cave 

    in my head, the one you created when you 

    fell to the ground and pulled me down with you. 


  • And So I Refrain

    she talks to me about the paper snowflakes she plans to make this weekend, and so i refrain from telling her that my bedroom has been decorated since the day after thanksgiving.