Growing Up

When I was born I was promised the world 
But I was born into a world 
Where my parents grew up to only survive 
Where family to my mom was merely blood 
But to my father was more than life 

I grew up in a world 
That I knew disliked me 
But it didn't matter 
Because I didn't think there was 
Anything about myself to dislike 

When I was nine 
A girl the same age as me
Spat words at me so harshly 
It left a mark 
Not physically but I still feel it deep down 

And I will grow up 
And grow old 
With these moments 
And times etched into my soul 
Scarring my heart
Teaching me something I never wanted to learn

Posted in response to the challenge Teenager: In Writing.



14 years old

More by meandpaul

  • A piece of my past

    "After time passes it'll hurt less" 
    But it never did 

    "Just forget it, it was so long ago"
    But you told me always to remember 

    And each and every day 
    A little reminder in my eyes 

  • I'll miss you

    I'll miss you 

    I'll miss you every time I hear that song 
    And every time I feel the need to tell someone something 
    That I know they don't need to hear

    I'll miss you every fall 
    And every winter