The Hallow's Eve Challenge

Jackie O’lantern and Calavera “Cala” Haunts lived on the same street. But you never knew two more different witches. For Jackie was good, always hanging out candy and casting good luck spells. 
While Calavera was evil, and gave out tricks instead of treats. This Halloween they decided to have a contest.

“Whoever impacts more children’s lives wins!” said Jackie.

“Deal!” agreed Cala. “But what should the prize be?”

“Whichever witch loses has to help the other for a year!”


And so the two witches went on their way. Jackie handed out sweets and ensured that no kids she saw went even NEAR Cala’s house for she knew if they did they would be forever changed and Cala would win the contest.

Meanwhile, Cala was scaring, no terrifying every child who came to her door. Especially the little ones. They all left crying, and Cala was certain of her win.

At the end of the day they met again.

“So Cala, how many lives did you ruin?” Jackie asked.

“Exactly 24,” Cala told her.

“Oh,” said Jackie.

“How many lives did you sweeten?” Cala sneered.

“51,” Jackie answered.

“WHAT?!” Cala screeched.

And Jackie smiled.

“I’ve decided to let you go,” Jackie told her. “I don’t want to be like you.”

And Cala’s heart finally melted. She atoned for all her past deeds and swore a vow of good.




13 years old

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