Her Last Chapter

Inspired By My Book Series, The Mysteries of Wivera.

We subsided to their expectations, struggling to survive. We resided in a semi-detached home, let in but still outside. Their love was microscopic, yet we were rising. Like twin flames, dancing in the darkness, spreading our warmth to the skies. We climbed higher than before, trying to reach the stars.

You became a star when they threw us in the dirt, radiating your astronomical light onto me. You were my star, and I basked in your infinite light. 

But you wanted to be the sun; You were always reaching for a new light, striving towards your next idealized figure, wishing to be perfect.

Our lives began to retrocede, worsening our circumstances rather than improving them. We starved through long winters, and he came along. His name is long forgotten, now I remember him as a vicious man for what he did to you. He was colder than winter, and his malevolent intentions froze your heart. You became subservient to him, and you drowned in a sea of pain as I watched the spark of hope fade from your eyes.

His love was whisked away in an instant. He contradicted your happiness, only existing to infect your mind with his vitriolic opinions. Soon enough, he was whisked away with his love. 

You buried baggage till it was out of sight, hidden beneath your words. But you were never good at coping, and you were never good at pretending. I wish I could’ve done something to heal the gaping wounds in your heart, but it’s too late. 

We were reaching for a light

That burned our souls

Blackening them with agony and grief


You reached for the stars

And as you gazed upon the other side

I saw the light in your eyes fade

The snow fell 

And your wounds bled the poison of an unloved child


And you jumped.

For a moment, you became the sun

The brightest stars could never outshine your light

Until your blinding radiance turned into a hopeless disaster


I watched

As your wings were torn off

And you fell

Into the malicious abyss of death. 





14 years old

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