Our Story
Our story always ends the same
No matter how many pages I turn
In the end
I’m the friend in need
And you’re the main character, always having to help me
I try to rip the pages out
Poem 260
I saw you today
For the first time in months
It feels like I haven’t seen you in ages
I used to hope
We stayed apart
Never faltering too close to one another
But as I look into your eyes
Yours Again
When I looked into your eyes
The memories came in waves
Drowning out all our flaws
For a moment
I forgot my resentment
And became yours again.
We Were Meant To Be Broken
Blood is never beautiful
Yet we were made to bleed
Hearts were meant for breaking
Eyes were made for crying
Hands were made for hurting
We were meant to break
Her Last Chapter
this has been deleted
New girl
A faint fog falls
Over my tired eyes
It's the same that covered them before
Yet still a part of me dies
Our gaze connects,
For only just a moment
My heart skips a beat
You are not alone
Are you the friend that never gets heard when there's a group conversation?
Are you the friend that when there's not enough room in the hall or on the sidewalk you go behind everyone?
A light in a dark room
There is a light,
one small glimmer.
It flickers like the flames,
fighting the darkness.
Long Way
I have taken this path time and time again
But why does this time feel …
Longer and bitter.
For what it seems like I am stuck.