
He watches 

Is he caught in the rain or blinded by the floodlights? 

The neon wires burn his gaze, spelling out hotel 

The wind cuts through his trench coat, encasing his body and mind in an icy glaze,

But his heart is at peace. 
There’s no need to turn back now he thinks as he lies awake, the neon red lettering tearing through the sheer curtains and penetrating his mind yet again,

But he is safe now, and the neon cannot hurt him. 



15 years old

More by emi_art_now

  • Glittering

    I locked eyes with him, the glowing man on the stage. 

    He glimmered, his red hair shining under the spotlight. 

    That was all it took for my heart to be stolen away. 

  • When it comes true

    when it comes true

    when my dream is found, 

    my goals reached, 

    will I be fulfilled? 

    will the future be everything I’d hoped, 

    or a letdown

    a saddening realization of truth