How do I do this?

I want to be the someone- the someone that makes the change
and sometimes I feel like i'm going to keep pushing, and the doors will open.
But most of the time it seems like i'm nobody.
Just a 12 year old girl, in a wide, wide world.
Who am I?
There is so much wrong
with our world.
The innocent die,
The world warms,
The endangered become extinct,
There is hate, so much hate,
The people aren't equal,
and all I can think is that there is too much wrong with this world.
But I suppose, 
That if I had to choose, 
I would do my best
to right all the wrongs,
and convince others to join me.




14 years old

More by wildcat

  • The Sun, My Lost Friend

    The sun, I think is like a friend that you have lost

    One that you've drifted so far from, that it is impossible to return

    Yet still its light shines on you, so blinding you must look away.

  • Mother Earth

    In the cradle of the galaxy’s abyss, we float

    Born and aged through evolutions, revolutions

    The Earth has been here, and we are passengers on a never ending journey in our orbit round the sun

  • Lullaby

    Carried by the songbird’s wings 

    Through forests bright, caverns dim, 

    Flying in the wild wind.  

    Tears have been shed and goodbyes have been said 

    And the light is leaving from your eyes.