i breathe for those who can't

i breathe for those who can't.
i breathe for Emmett Till
Breonna Taylor
George Floyd
Ahmaud Arbery
Jamel Floyd 
Sean Monterrosa
and millions more. 
i breathe for those who have been killed for the wrong reasons
i breathe for those who didn't get a full life
i breathe because i have white skin
and that is unfair beyond words
i am able to walk down the street and not worry for my life
i am able to go into stores and not get suspicious looks
i don't have to worry about
getting someone's knee 
this is why black lives matter.



19 years old

More by hannah.banana23

  • in the crayon box

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    red is not passive but loud and demanding to be shown to the world
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  • at the balls

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