I Hate To Think...

When we go back, if we do,
My friends might not be there,
They might have moved on, and maybe I will too.
I just can't bear to think what will happen.
In a few blinks,
The world might change, and rearrange.
Happening so fast.
Alas, I want to go back,
It's like a dream.
I want to go back to my sports teams.
I want to score, shoot, and run,
Dribble a basketball on my thumb.
Lose or win, I don't care, I just really want to be there.
On the court, field, rink, wood, ice, terf, dirt or grass.
 I just want to go back to the past.
Scoring goals, shooting baskets, making home runs,
having some fun.
Cheering fans, 
An instrument band.
Kick, and dribble, hit and whack
I hate to think that we might no go back.


A Sports Person


16 years old

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