I just really hope she wins.

She's finally ahead in the presidential race. The way my hope lifted when I heard that news. And the disbelief on my face? How, after ten months? I was sure I was going to be screaming from my porch on election day, "Why, why? Must we have 2020 all over again?" 

But I think now I will be silent. I was ready to watch the pride stuff slowly disappear from Michaels and Target. I was ready for gay marriage to not be legal anymore. I was ready for women to never be able to get an abortion, ever. I was ready for all of that, but the stream of bad things has ebbed and I now have hope again. Not that I'm not still ready for those things to happen. I am. Just now my hope has grown. 

Posted in response to the challenge Kamala Harris.



14 years old

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