I remember a time
When I felt so free
And everything, anything, I wanted could be.
The person next to me was everything
The worlds we created were ours.
Our vision was color and light and laughter
And impossible-yet-possible desires.
Oh, we laughed and we talked
We analyzed and schemed
We were thoughtful and kind and vibrant and free.
We made good on our promises
Created and wondered
We wrote stories and scripts and somehow never blundered.
Everything was great,
And now it's torn apart,
Because I never saw middle school
Forcing an arrow through my heart.
We loved and we lived and we played without shame.
Yes, this is the ballad of white lies and blame.
Our shiny futures
Precious like roses;
Our relationship
Perfectly imperfect.
Oh, I remember a time
Before all was broken
Before it was a fight
Before my life became turmoil.
I remember a time
Beyond middle school's dark clutches
Where we danced in the shadows
And played in the shallows.
The darkness hit sometime around 2022;
Fifth grade, so okay, I'd do what I had to do.
We started off fine
Iffy, snappy maybe
I'll never stop wishing
You hadn't betrayed me.
Out of balance from a summer apart,
I saw the wreck coming
I apologized every morning
Thought I was so cunning.
I was open and honest
I told you what I felt
You closed yourself off
Without you, I couldn't deal with the cards I'd been dealt.
You never said a word
Not beyond "I don't hate you".
I was jealous and hurt and frankly terrified.
Middle school broke it
The golden days, shattered
The darkness creeping in around the edges.
My world was ripped
Because you weren't there
So I was paranoid.
I miss the days I remember
Of light and of love
Of shimmery rainbow worlds
And pretty white doves.
And I miss when I could be me
And you could be you
And no one would question me
Threaten me
Homework and deadlines and drama and gah.
I'm not cut out for this.
You think you are.
I know I can't do this
And you're everyone's star.
So I guess I wrote this
To try to remember
Before all that was left
Was a pile of embers.
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