If She Has To Leave

If she has to leave,
I hope she can lay back in a field of 
a river streaming with light bubbles
at her fingertips.

If she has to leave,
I hope she can listen to music
with the tune of the breeze
and the melody of the sun. 

If she has to leave,
I hope she can eat sugar plums
all day long
without feeling ill. 

If she has to leave,
I hope she can breathe in
cherry blossom air
and think of the old farm back in Germany,
where she spent her childhood days. 

If she has to leave,
I hope she can read books of light,
feel the warmth that is held in her hands.

If she has to leave,
I hope she can sing of sweet honey,
and taste the syrupy sugar 
in her mouth.

If she has to leave,
I hope she can dance on a floor
of clouds,
and laugh and remember the little girl
back down on Earth
who wishes her grandmother
was still there.



17 years old

More by GreyBean

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    i am learning to live without the idea of you

    and i am trying to fill up the empty cave 

    in my head, the one you created when you 

    fell to the ground and pulled me down with you. 


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