I'll miss you
I'll miss you every time I hear that song
And every time I feel the need to tell someone something
That I know they don't need to hear
I'll miss you every fall
And every winter
And every spring and summer
Over and over again
And I'll miss you when I see you
Because I know it's not you
And I know I'm not me
I'll miss you every time I close my eyes
Every time I think
Every time I cry
I'll miss you when I say sorry
And I'll most you most every time
I don't say goodbye
I'll miss you
More by meandpaul
What is left?
When all we have is spent
What will we have left?
Like an animal that runs through the forestSearching for the last of its kind to go
If Only I Could
I could worry about the little things
The little things that don't matter
The material things
The things nobody but myself sees -
When it's time
When I am no longer myself
And you are no longer yourself
Will we meet again?
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