Sometimes I look into the reflection and see the little boy with forest green eyes
begging the world to end so he wouldn’t feel anymore.
But then I see an old cripple
Surrounded by his books
The knowledge of the world at his fingertips but he sits in a wooden chair
Reading children’s stories
It’s funny
How God can make boys into men
And men into toddlers
Via fate and some other mystic words
It’s like we’ve fallen into a snare
The ways of the world will turn and tumble
But we find ourselves upright after a long night of dreaming
We awake
And There’s a feeling
A feeling That bridges the waves and the shore
The lost and the found
The forgiven and unforgiven
It’s like toothpicks
And steel beams
It crumbles like pillars
And grows like grape vines
So intangible but always there
It hurts the most
And burns deeply
It gives a man purpose
And another none at all
I find it in the most unlikely of places
And where I expect it I find merely ash
It’s the last thing I ever wish to feel
And the first I fear I’ve felt
Don’t wake up and dream of stars
Sleep and dream of summer nights and swimming
Sleep and dream of this feeling that is only ever so far upon waking
Pray that the pieces fall into place
Pray that your eyes can see more than what’s given to them
Pray that you can hold the hand of someone and feel not alone
Because so many crowds make one feel so alone
And so many quiet conversations make one feel so much more
It is far more beautiful to love
It is far more beautiful to live
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