It is Far More Beautiful
Sometimes I look into the reflection and see the little boy with forest green eyes
begging the world to end so he wouldn’t feel anymore.
But then I see an old cripple
Sometimes We Stay Outside
Sometimes we stay outside
on your front steps.
It’s peaceful there.
There are no cars
or stomping feet.
There are no dishes
No Chance At All
He counts his days with scrutiny,
a tedious sort of precision
that always leaves him somehow
7 days since his last drink,
I Didn't Know It Then
I thought I liked the way you held your head,
it was casual and sincere,
not unlike the way you smiled.
But this was different from your smile… -
Something I Try To Leave
I’m pale,
white as snow-
cold as your eyes.
creaking like a rocking chair,
or an old swing.
There's More To Being
The mangled materials that make us are not defined by the components,
they are not defined by the ideas or the movements.
They are what they are,
pieces to create a greater whole.
Sometimes We Stay Outside
Sometimes we stay outside
on your front steps.
It’s peaceful there.
There are no cars
or stomping feet.
There are no dishes
Listening to Wind
It is September, yet
I can still hear the beach.
The sea moves and swells;
it tumbles to the shore,
dusts itself off,