It's been years

It's been years since I met him

Hair like a wild horse

Eyes like the vines on my house

Heart so big it wraps around my soul

It's been years since he left

In the middle of the night under a star-filled sky

The moon watched him leave

She wondered why

He would run when his heart was mine

And my heart was his

When I woke to the dawn 

Birdsong filled my ears

Like the tears streaming down my face

The bed was cold where he laid his head

The tears kept coming 

Yet anger licked her greedy lips

Curling her sharp nailed fingers around my heart

As I followed his tracks in the snow.

It's been years since my heart ran away

Yet standing here

Telling him

With sand dune curls

Eyes like the midnight sky

Heart bigger than the world

I think I have finally moved on

The boy in front of me

The friends standing up for me

I am finally free and my heart is mine.

It's been years since he broke me apart

Now my heart is mended

And my soul has found her wings

Soaring through the sunset sky

Toward the future 

That I made all on my own. 

Posted in response to the challenge Release.



18 years old