jokes on you

Every single moment, 

We've been together. 

Even when we are mad, 

We stick with each other. 

That's how it's always been. 


But you're gone, 

And we can no longer be together. 

I thought we would spend our whole lives, 

Playing pranks, having fun. 

But now, you're just gone. 


There will be no more jokes, 

No more fireworks or fake snow. 

It'll just be me, 

Lost in the misery. 

And the shadows that will overtake me. 


I thought maybe it was you

Playing one last grand trick. 

It wasn't, and now you've long left.  

But jokes on you, 

Maybe I'll leave too. 



15 years old

More by izz_midnight

  • never really love

    What you gave me everyday

    Was never really love. 

    It was toxic, poison, 

    You stained my blood black.


    All of your words

    I realize were all lies. 

    Even the ring on my finger

  • lonely thoughts

    I run to the forest, 

    The colors remind me

    Of the color my eyes aren't. 


    Your screams are still in my ears,

    They still echo

    Against the blank canvas out here. 


  • death bed

    You push me out to sea

    With every toll life takes. 

    My wood is deteriorating 

    With thousands of years. 


    I've held village girls

    And I've held mothers.