
If you could taste the air around me
You'd know the taste of yearning
For lodged in my oropharnyx
Something red is burning
Her name's Kathleen
I had a dream
She begged to be released
I didn't know how to let her out 
So both our pains increased
I feed her sour lemon drops and the cold grounds from my strainer
But someone somewhere seems to think
I need her on retainer
So tired with the sore and scratch
I told her to do the speaking
And all the things she spoke through me
Are the things you've been critiquing




19 years old

More by ZoeBee

  • 1893

    It was just a fluke that I happened to see

    The ghost of a girl in 1893

    I didn't think much of her, tried to ignore

    But then she came 'round in 1894

    A spirit was not something that I had wanted

  • Papercuts

    Did you know that, when you wrote me, I was made of papercuts

    That I was ink and glue and wax but mostly, I was papercuts

    Did you know that, when you read me, I am made of memories