Kingdom Come

In a land concealed to the human eye, a world of magic awaits. Mages of Space, Life, and Time live united under the rule of their liege; Mage Hilda. No one has ever seen Mage Hilda, yet they believe in the good they have brought to the civilization. Good harvest is not the only thing they pray for, however; True love and longivity are valued by many Mage's. They plan to implement a new plan for the human realm; mass destruction or complete rule. Mage Hilda instructs those who truly believe to take part in the New Order and rule the human world. Others do not believe in such an entity and fight their kin. So, young Mage, what will you decide?



14 years old

More by TheDemiDevil

  • red lipstick

    one stick

    one swipe 

    that represents my love

    my adulthood

    so where is my lipstick?

    who's borrowing it tonight?

    who's borrowing my courage coat tonight?

    I need both to appear ready for anything

  • notes

    take note of everything I say

    my feelings are rooted in symbolism and poetry

    my femininity washes over me

    and a guilty realization sets in

    I get to play both parts in my head

    man and woman

  • limerence

    what can only be described as an unhealthy need for chaos

    chaos that fills an emotional void

    to be devoid of feeling is to loose your humanity

    your identity

    your self, and sense of self.

    I lost it once, too.