(A Late) Happy New Year!

The sky had darkened,
stars had sprinkled the blue,
the black,
and we all had been awaiting this moment.
This fine,
magnificent moment,
that lit up our days,
our nights.
On that
December 31st of 2020,
we had all been waiting for those last ten seconds,
those last 
to pass completely. 
To slip away
from our grasp,
to escape us.
But we felt that we
were the ones truly escaping,
didn't we?
Ah, we've got a fresh start!
A fresh beginning,
a new beginning,
and it makes our minds flourish 
with happiness,
with relief.
the idea that I imagine 
many people have been hoping,
have been dreaming of,
will it come true?
I will wish that it will,
I will wish that all will get better,
and I will wish for 
a certainly better,
maybe even marvelous,
new year. 


Scarry Night


16 years old

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