little caterpillar

little caterpillar,

so different, but it’s still her

wants to be a princess

in her favorite pink dress


little caterpillar,

don’t believe what they tell you

you’re not the one to blame

but still they’ll call you names


little caterpillar,

don’t hate yourself for this flaw

it’s gonna be okay

you’ll realize I'm right someday


oh, caterpillar

look at where you were

see, the months darkest

lead to days brightest


so don’t give up now

don’t let yourself down

look at yourself now

don’t let yourself drown


little caterpillar

such an amateur

but trying her best

won’t let herself rest


it’ll be okay

you’ll see love someday

it’ll be okay

you’ll see light someday


little caterpillar

they don’t define your self-worth

just keep pushing on and on

my favorite phenomenon


little caterpillar

it’ll all feel like a blur

but you don’t have to hide fears,

go in your room to hide tears


little caterpillar

it’s okay that you’re not like her

you can go make your own way

don’t let your flower decay


it’s only hopeless

if you abandon hope

it’s only helpless

if you refuse the help


without painful things

you couldn’t see the good

you can spread your wings

when you survive the flood


beautiful butterfly

look at where you are

you’re soaring so high

isn’t it bizarre?


aren’t you glad now

you didn’t let yourself down

look at yourself now

you didn’t let yourself drown


pretty butterfly

feels like an expert

at saying goodbye

to being treated like dirt


it was all okay

you saw love today

it was all okay

you saw light today

Daphne Linn


17 years old

More by Daphne Linn