
I am the person
who cowers in corners
hides behind
the what-ifs and could-have-beens
because she is afraid.
I am the person
whose shout is merely a whisper,
whose footsteps leave no imprint on the ground.
I am the person
who hangs her head with shame
when she walks down the hall
not wanting people to notice her.
I am the person
who is afraid of confrontation
afraid that saying one wrong thing
will ruin her friendships forever.
I don't want to be that person
I want to turn my whisper
into a shout
turn my footsteps
into an imprint
turn my embers
into a flame.
I want to hold my head high
and not care what others think
because if they don't like what they see,
it won't matter.
Whenever I think of being that way,
a louder
more outgoing
it seems easy
but when I actually
it feels impossible.
I need to try harder,
I know that,
I've already come so far.
in a million years,
when I can just be myself
and be unafraid,
I know that then
the person I am
will be truly




14 years old

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