The Meaning of Saratoga
Words are just letters
Pieced together like a puzzle
Its meanings,
just more than the simple descriptions of words
The meaning of Saratoga
Is of a hillside residing near a quiet river,
But to me….
Saratoga is the place I’ve always known as home.
The little city, with its small unique little shops lined up against each other.
The city is home to all kinds of trees.
The city where education is valued more than anything.
Saratoga is the place I’ve always known as home.
A place where others stop to help one another, before helping themselves.
A place where others aren’t afraid to change if it makes a difference.
Where people gather together,
Enjoying those little moments of life.
The moments that make life so beautiful.
Whether it’s taking a stroll with your family,
Or watching a stranger play a melodious tune in front of the symbolic
Memorial Arch.
Saratoga is the place I’ve always known as home.
What does Saratoga mean to me?
It means more than just a hillside residing near a quiet river,
It means home, it means family.
The warmth it emits,
The happiness I feel looking around this wonderful city,
The memories I’ll always have,
A community, I’ll always be proud to be a part of.
Saratoga is the place I’ve always known as home.
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