penny for your thoughts?
i have everything i ever wanted,
the iphone, the apps, the friends, the clothes
im still not who i wanted to be
im sorry, how can i be better?
do i work harder?
pensées sur le chou-fleur
cut the cauliflower, as they cut you
wash the cauliflower, when you wash away your sorrow
sprinkle pepper
sprinkle salt
sprinkle cheese
sprinkle love & home, until it's enough
As frosty winds whisper, wrapping us in fear,
In winter's grasp, we gather near.
Underneath the snow-cloaked rooftops
We find warmth in each other.
Airport crush
I never really realized how accents can change things
Cus he had an Australian accent and I could not see any flaws
Cus I met him yesterday at a college visit
Cus I was a part of his tour group for less than an hour