last week i fell in love with the rain
last week
she reached out
brushing my cheek
with her soft steady touch
her whispers filled the air
gentle -
I hear it now
i hear it now.
not a whisper
nor a shout
i hear it now.
the future
a call
i can’t help
but wonder
how much am I leaving behind?
i hear it now.
The two men who did it all
Once there was a man
Who could
A man of many arts
The stage
The desk
The microphone -
it’s mine, not theirs.
note: this is not targeted at anyone, it’s just my opinion :)
Writing is my pulse,
my breath,
my way of being.
They don’t own my words,
my thoughts,
my voice. -
How did we get here?
How did we get here?
With a man who lies
and stirs the storm,
who turns hate into headlines
and power into a joke. -
There’s a squishy feeling, like your fingers
pressed into soft dough,
the way your body sinks
into the warm, endless bed of a blanket.
The paragraphs you send me are long,
and completely free;
they take flight around my mind like gentle songbirds,
Footprints - Haiku
The fresh snow glistens.
Animal prints and sneakers.
Who has walked through here?
Becky's Sketchbook
The first time I saw her, she was clutching a sketchbook in her arms. It was very plain-looking with a black cover and golden spirals.
Every week at church, she carried that sketchbook. I never saw her without it.
My Oak Tree, My Hope
Nestled within the plains of the Midwest,
Isolated and alone,
Stands a wholesome oak tree.
Her dark, chestnut body hemmed in by the mucky acorns,
Those of which were shed out of sorrow.
The Thief and The Author
Part 1 — The Thief
“Have a good night.”
“You too,” I responded dryly from behind the counter.
We all hurt...some worse than others...
They might say they're ok, but they aren't...
They don't want you to worry so they hide their feels...