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People ask me,
Why do you love music so much?
Making music
Playing music
Listening to music.
I thought about it, and
I really love how it connects people.
People who are so different
field of thoughts
far away from my friends as they speak,
i never liked feeling alone.
i never liked feeling left out.
but here i am,
whenever i speak,
my words don't even go into one ear of any of my friends,
How the sky cries
The sky cries
with rain.
The sky snows for every whispered secret
from under thick blankets
in the dark
for the kid in everyone
that finds joy
the sky hugs with snow.
The tree that defines me
When I was little, we lived in Philly. Seven hours from where we live now, eight counting the time allotted for rest stops. And a little ways down the sidewalk from our house was this tree.
It ended with roses.
I process the funeral in snatches.
Glimpses, even.
I see my family spilling out into the cemetery
Long-lost cousins twice-removed,
Great granduncles,
With the crashing tide,
And wisps of wind,
Rain melts all there was.
And all that will ever be.
As water rises in the sea.