Mer-Fighters: OVERBOARD

12 year-old Cindy Carmen is on a relaxing cruise with her mother. One night, she sneaks onto the deck of the ship. She overhears a weird conversation between the captain and a crewmate. After the two men pass, Cindy starts to second guess her saftey in the sea. Her thoughts awarness drifts off into the night sky, and soon she finds herself in the icy cold water of the ocean. Cindy hears a raspy voice from underneath the water. Then, she loses conciousness and gets pulled underwater. ***
“Cindy, would you please put your phone away and pay attention.” The stern voice of a teacher reprimanded. 

It was one-thirty as twelve year-old Cindy Carmen sat in her classroom at Klayden Middle School. The hot summer sun was shining in through the open windows of classroom B-8, classroom of Mrs. Sharpe. 

Cindy had long beautiful blond hair and gorgeous sea green eyes. One look at those eyes and you could almost pick her apart. Those eyes told the story of a beautiful, daring, kind young girl. A girl who had only one weakness, but many talents, some of which would save her life.  

Cindy had been looking at her phone because her mom had just texted her saying she was going to pick her up from school in fifteen minutes. 

Cindy groaned. She didn’t want to sit in her hot stuffy classroom a moment longer. 

“Excuse me Cindy. What was that for?”

Mrs. Sharpe was standing in front of Cindy’s desk, like a hawk watching its prey.  

Cindy looked up. She didn’t realize that she had actually groaned. “I’m sorry Mrs. Sharpe. I didn’t mean to groan. I was texting with my mom and she’s going to be here in a little bit so I was groaning that I might have to miss math.”  Cindy’s mom had specifically made it so that she would be picked up in the middle of math, to Cindy’s great pleasure.

The part about Cindy being sad to miss math was a big lie. Math was Cindy’s least favorite subject, she was just trying to cover up for groaning in the middle of class. 

Mrs. Sharpe nodded, not catching onto the lie, thankfully. The teacher then seemed to remember she had a class to teach, and continued on with their math work. 

    Every second that Cindy spent waiting felt like an hour. An hour that was ticking by so slowly, it felt like it would last forever. What didn’t help was that the boy who sat next to Cindy had the bad habit of chewing his fingernails which resulted in Cindy having to listen to him do it all day long. This made the day very strenuous for her. 

    “Cindy Carmen, please report to the front of the school.” Finally, after a tiring day of waiting, Cindy’s mom had arrived. Almost a second later the intercom turned back on. “You are not in trouble.” Cindy let out a low snort. Of course she wasn’t in trouble. She knew perfectly well that her mom was picking her up. Either way, what would she be in trouble for? 

    When Cindy got to the front of the school she ran into her mothers arms at top speed like a Nascar racer. She was super excited. 

“Whoa kiddo! You almost knocked me off my feet! Ya’ can’t do that!” Cindy’s mom said even though she was joking and Cindy knew. 

    Cindy’s mom took her backpack. Together they walked into the parking lot. “You excited?” 

“Definitely!” Cindy enthusiastically replied. 

    They climbed into the car. Cindy’s mom hopped into the driver's seat and Cindy got in the back. As they drove along the highway to the docking point of the cruise, Cindy could barely contain herself. Literally. She had forgotten to go to the bathroom at school before they left. Cindy made a mental note to do that next time. 

    To pass the time, Cindy stared out the window at the sky. The clouds created funny shapes. Once there was a shark, Cindy’s absolute favorite animal. This one was her favorite because in her mouth she had something called a shark tooth where teeth come in before they are ready, so she had to get her baby tooth removed. It hurt. A lot. 

    Cindy also saw a giant cannon and a mermaid. It looked pretty cool, especially when the cloud from the cannon started to drift off looking like it was firing! The more she stared out the window, the more she saw of the mermaid and the cannon. She saw a building being destroyed; she saw things going up in flames. (Or clouds, for that matter.) As the scene began to grow Cindy was sure it was the city that she lived in, Nighting City, being destroyed. She was also sure this was god trying to tell her something. But what?

    After a little while God began to tease Cindy by showing her clouds that symbolized water. Cindy made another mental note that she should go to the bathroom as soon as they got to the cruise, which should be soon.

    Sure enough, five minutes later Cindy and her mom were out of the car and getting onto the cruise ship. When they stepped into the ship, the captain was there to greet them. 

“Good afternoon folks! Welcome aboard the Gliding Shark. Who would you fine ladies be?” 

“I’m Cameron, and this is my daughter Cindy. What’s your name?” Cindy’s mother answered.  

“Nice to meet you folks then.” The man replied. “I’m captain O-Riley. Nice to meet you. The cabins are that way. Follow the yellow markers on the ground to go to your cabin. Have a nice trip.” 

As Cindy and Cameron started down the hall following the yellow markers Cindy asked her mom, “Where’s the restroom? I really need to go.” 

“Didn’t I tell you to go before 4:00 when I would come to pick you up?” 

“No.” Cindy replied, but when she thought about it she did remember her mom reminding her to do that before she left for school. 

“And no Cindy dear, I do not know how to get to the restroom but I see a sign that says restrooms that way so I’m guessing that’s how you get the restroom. You can go but talk to no one and when you are done go into your cabin, number six, and get a good night's sleep for tomorrow.” Cindy nodded. She had to go horribly, so she couldn’t respond. 

    We’re not going to get into details about what happened while she was in the bathroom. What happens behind the bathroom doors stays behind the bathroom doors. If that isn’t an actual rule then it should be made one. 

    When Cindy got out she did exactly what her mom told her to. She went right into her cabin to get a good night's sleep. Little did she know that she would need that sleep as much as the world would need her.




13 years old

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