The Mer-Fighters: Overboard Chapter 2

This is chapter 2 of my story Overboard. To understand everything that's happening, go read Chapter 1 : if you haven't already! Enjoy!        ***

Cindy had tossed and turned, but no matter how hard she tried, she would not go to sleep. When she finally gave up, she was bored out of her mind. Cindy had always wanted to go on a cruise and when she finally was on one, it was not nearly as exciting and exhilarating as she had thought it would be.  Cindy tried calling her friends, but she was out of cell reception. “How is someone supposed to have fun if they can’t even talk to their friends?” She moaned. “USELESS.” 

Light bulb! Cindy would sneak out of her room and onto the top deck so that she could watch the sun fully set!  Her idea was absolutely brilliant!

All she needed to do know was make a plan to get onto there without being caught. If someone saw her she would be in big trouble. There was a little desk in the back corner so Cindy made her plan at that. She would get on deck and hide behind the pipe. Then she would check if the coast was clear. If it were, she would go. If it wasn’t, well, she would come to that if it came to that. 

As soon as Cindy got on deck, the real trouble started. She had thought it was going to be easy-going because no one was around that late, but that thought quickly extinguished itself when Cindy heard the captain talking to one of the crewmates. She ducked behind the pipe as she had planned and waited for the people to pass. 

“I’ve been seeing weird disturbances and movements in the water.” The captain said. “I’ve also been hearing weird things under there. Sounds like cannons and gunfire.” The captain, more commonly known as Captain O-Riley, had bushy black hair and big brown eyes. When he spoke it sounded as if it were a million people talking at once. His voice boomed as though he was the king. 

Cindy froze. Was it safe to be here if weird things were happening? She thought about what she had seen in the clouds. “I’ll be perfectly alright.” She thought. “It’s not as if something is going to pull me under the water and keep me in their dungeons.” 

After the captain left Cindy stared at the sun set for a while. It was absolutely beautiful. The colors blended together to make beautiful shades of pink, purple, blue and orange. As she watched she began to drift away, totally unaware of her surroundings. For that exact reason, when the boat hit a bump and water splashed everywhere she didn’t realize. Cindy watched the sun set on one side of the boat, and then decided to walk around to the other side of the boat so that she could watch the sun morph into the moon. 

As she started the walk to the other side she was not aware she was walking into a huge puddle of seawater right next to the edge. Long story short Cindy slipped, fell, screamed, and plummeted into the freezing cold water. She screamed. (Again.) The worst part of the situation was that Cindy had an utter fear of drowning. When she finally came to her senses that she was drowning she screamed. (For the 3rd time.) Then, for good measure, she shrieked at the top of her lungs. Her reasoning was she was to try and wake everybody on board so that they could come and save her. Cindy tried to think back to swim lessons, and then remembered that she quit them 2 days in. (Her parents demanded their money back even though it was Cindy’s own fault.) 

She tried to think back to her book that explained what to do if drowning, knowing every word on that page by heart. But funny thing is, whenever you need to remember something you always forget it even if you thought you had it totally memorized. That is exactly what happened to Cindy. She just could not remember what it said. She made a mental note for when this was over to make a catchy rime about not drowning so it would (hopefully) be easier to remember. She screamed. (By now you should be getting the impression that she screams more than most human beings.) “This is bad.” She thought. “Really bad.” And if it could not get any worse, it did.



13 years old

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